Last Updated on September 1, 2023 by David
Guest Post by Marie Barnes

The Internet has become the hub for selling anything you can imagine. That is why in the era of digital development, a timely setup of your website in accordance with the SEO requirements could not be underestimated. A well-functioning resource gives you the opportunity to expand your target audience and promote your platform. Do you want to get there? Here you are.
Let’s discuss the necessary tips and rules for creating SEO articles that will help optimize your site.
What SEO-optimization consists of
SEO-optimization of the text implies a whole range of steps to improve the quality of the content. It makes it attractive to search engines, visitors, and relevant target requests. Text containing appropriate keywords affects the success of the business as a whole. What does SEO-optimization consist of?
- Volume change. An average text with keywords contains 1500–2500 words. However, this is not a strict rule, but a recommendation. It depends on the topic, the type of content, and its competitiveness. In some cases, 1000 characters without spaces will be enough; whereas for individual pages, even 3000 will not suffice;
- Heading H1. The correct title not only attracts the attention of readers but also affects the ranking of the page;
- Uniqueness. The uniqueness of the text should be 80–100%. In this case, you have every chance of getting to the top in search engines;
- Keywords density. Keywords should be used in promoted texts, but moderately and naturally, without overt occurrences. The optimal density is no more than 3%. They should be distributed evenly: in the text, title tag, and headings.
- Formatting structure. Proper design improves the perception and readability of information. Structuring involves the use of subheadings, paragraphs, lists, high-quality illustrations, different fonts, and other techniques.
Text optimization for search engines directly affects sales growth. It increases the position of the site in the ranking. Keyword texts are relevant in generating more targeted visits. At the same time, SEO-optimized texts with keywords are informative and useful; they establish a dialogue with potential clients and lead them to commit the target action — an application or purchase.
Choose the way to prepare SEO text
A good text, firstly, gives the user the most complete and specific information about the product or service that you are selling. Also, it reveals the advantages of your company and accurately leads a potential client to make a purchase or send an application. Secondly, the search engines appreciate such texts since they are unique, relevant to the query, but at the same time not spammed with keywords.
There are several ways to create a high-quality text for a promoted homepage. Of course, you can try writing the text on your own. No one knows the features and subtleties of your business better than you do. So, the material written on your own will accurately convey all the details. In this case, you should adhere to certain rules:
- Use lists at least one per article;
- Add subtitles to break down your text into the main ideas;
- Do not combine different styles of text: a reader will have a hard time figuring out the main idea of your copy, which does not work in your favor;
- Add indents between paragraphs;
- Choose only high-quality images;
- Do not use complex sentences, highly specialized terms, or concepts.
However, there is a risk that the preparation of the text will be delayed, because other urgent matters will constantly distract you from such a difficult task. In addition, you need some experience to write a decently optimized text. For the first time, it is not easy to take into account all the requirements regarding the number of keywords and word forms that should be used.
Well, lucky for you, there is an option of ordering a unique and appropriate post on special services. Adsy can help you to create the necessary writing order and, at the same time, place it on a variety of sites to enhance your business. It provides you with the opportunity to either submit your text to relevant sites or buy affordable material from authoritative platforms. It is an absolute win-win since buyers get references from traffic homepages, and publishers promote their web sites.
Supply your readers with useful information
SEO text as well as contextual and targeted advertising is one of the channels for attracting potential customers to a site. Therefore, it is important to not only get to the search engine top and get transitions but rather to interest visitors and make them buy your product.
In order to proceed with SEO site optimization consciously, you need to define semantically related keywords and come up with a promotion strategy. To do this, in the text you need to answer the user’s requests and give comprehensive information on the topic indicated in the heading. Otherwise, you will probably write articles for queries that users do not look for, and as a result, you will not get new customers. Keywords that are appropriately inserted will not help if the article does not contain in-depth information for a user.
Let us imagine that you want to mention that your company can deliver some of your products. Do not write that this is fast and inexpensive. Instead, give the user important features of your company services. For example, insert a table with the timing and cost of delivery for each district.
If you still do not use conjugated keywords like “to buy iPhone in London”, we are glad to enlighten you. Keywords should be easy to read. Use them in precise morphological inserting. For complex keys, swap words and separate them with the help of punctuation marks.
Meta tags
Internal website optimization involves working with a whole range of issues. As part of this process, many novice optimizers are immersed in large-scale tasks, and the title tag often lacks your attention.
The title tag is the basic element of HTML markup, which concisely demonstrates users and search robots the main semantic and thematic load of the page. Title display occurs in the following cases:
- Search engine snippet;
- The page title in the browser;
- When reposting links to a page on social networks.
If we talk about the program code of the page, then the title is written as part of the <head> </head> tag.
Before getting started, it is worth analyzing the structure of the site itself and the semantically related phrases. This will help you choose the right keywords to appear in the title of different pages, taking into account their subject and frequency.
The first step is to fill in the title of the main page. This necessarily includes the highest frequency passphrase. Since the target audience will see the text, it needs to be attractive and motivating. That is, write a vivid and memorable advertising slogan with a competitive thematic request.
The composition of the title for sections and other pages is directly tied to their subject and content. In addition to keywords, here you can include words that attract attention: “photo”, “reviews”, “discount”, “free delivery”, and so on.
The text on the sites is one of the main ranking factors. Now, SEO texts are not a canvas of keywords, but a useful text with thematic words and answers to users’ questions. They have a great impact on your website along with your business enhancement.
About Re:amaze
Re:amaze is a modern helpdesk and customer messaging platform designed to help eCommerce businesses boost customer happiness and revenue. Re:amaze allows all customer-oriented teams to work together in a shared inbox through email, social, SMS, voice, and live chat. Re:amaze also comes packaged with automated messaging and chatbots so eCommerce brands can succeed at the front lines of conversational commerce.
About Marie Barnes
Marie Barnes is a Marketing Communication Manager. She also does some
photo retouching work at Photza. She is an
enthusiastic blogger interested in writing about technology, social media,
work, travel, lifestyle, and current affairs.