How to Write Effective Knowledge Base Articles

Last Updated on July 9, 2024 by Holland Rocha

Re:amaze comes with a built-in public Help Site ready to host your FAQ content. All you need to do is turn it on, set up your topics, and start writing articles. However, it’s important to ensure sure you’re writing effective knowledge base or “help” articles to provide the best experience for your customers.

Here are some points you should keep in mind:

1. Understand Your Customers

  • Demographics: To create relevant content, you’ll need to know who your customers are and what they’re looking for. This includes understanding their age, location, and tech savviness. For example, younger users might prefer quick, concise information, while older users might appreciate more detailed guides. Their location can influence language preferences, and even the relevance of certain issues or solutions.
  • Technical Proficiency: Assess your customers’ comfort level with technology. Beginners may need simple, jargon-free instructions with plenty of visual aids, while advanced users might prefer concise, to-the-point information. Also, consider whether your customers primarily use desktop computers or mobile devices, as this can influence the format and design of your articles.

2. Identify and Address Common Pain Points

  • Customer Support Data: Review customer support inquiries to identify frequently asked questions and recurring issues. This data helps determine which topics your knowledge base should cover.
  • Analytics: Re:amaze provides an FAQ report that allows you to see how customers are ranking your articles. This not only helps identify which articles may need revising, but also highlights which topics are being searched more frequently. Use this information to identify gaps and areas where customers might be experiencing difficulties.

3. Tailor Your Content

  • Customize Examples and Scenarios: Use examples that resonate with your customers based on your industry. Tailor these examples to reflect real-world scenarios and situations that they may encounter.
  • Appropriate Tone and Language: Maintain a tone that is friendly yet professional, and avoid unnecessarily complex (or pretentious) language. Keep it simple!
  • Visuals: Enhance understanding by incorporating visual aids. Re:amaze makes it easy to insert images or embed videos in your articles, which can provide more clarity for complicated topics.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can use Re:amaze to write effective knowledge base articles that not only improve customer satisfaction, but will ease the burden on your support team.