Reamaze Custom Module

Last Updated on March 26, 2021 by David

Reamaze Custom Module has been available to select partners for a short while now. Today we’re happy to announce that it will be publicly available through our developer portal! The iFrame-based Custom Module gives you the ability to add any dynamic web content you want to ther conversation view’s right rail.

For example, you may develop your own app that retrieves a customer’s shipping information, host it in a location of your choosing, and trigger it right inside your Reamaze conversation with that particular customer. This means, that in addition to the wide variety of 3rd party integrations we provide, the custom module opens up whole new possibilities!

The Custom Module works via an iFrame to a URL that you can specify, which can serve up any web content desired. Reamaze will provide contextual data to the specified URL so that you can display contextually sensitive data and actions.

If you interested in learning how to build a Custom Module, check out our documentation here: