Re:amaze Dashboard Now Displays Conversation Ref_IDs

Last Updated on June 9, 2023 by Tony Fowler

We are happy to announce our newest ref_ID feature update! We have had the ref_ID feature for a while now but let’s just clarify what it means for Conversations in Re:amaze. When a conversation begins with a customer you have the option to request for us to assign a ref_ID to that conversation. Which is essentially assigning a number to that conversation and basically every conversation will have a number that correlates to that conversation.

With this new update, you can now view the ref_IDs in the conversation dashboard. The ref_ID is now quickly visible as soon as you enter the conversation dashboard and have an overview of all the conversations. We have attached a few images to reference where the ref_ID is visible in both the conversation dashboard and when viewing a particular conversation.

This is a by request feature only please contact the Re:amaze Support team if you would like this feature in your account!



Dashboard view

ref_ID in conversations

Conversation view