Reamaze for iOS and Android v1.0.7

Last Updated on May 15, 2017 by David

It’s time to update your Reamaze mobile app again! If you download any update, make sure it’s this one! We’ve improved the Reamaze mobile app quite a bit over the past few months including things like UI optimizations, mobile attachments, a new attachment viewer, and much more.

Included in this latest update are:

  • Better initial loading logic to further improve content loading. This update further benefits Android users.
  • “Sticky” login sessions to reduce occasions where you’re logged out of your Reamaze account automatically. Sticky sessions are refreshed every time you log in within a 2-week period.
  • A new custom notifications sound to distinguish your Reamaze conversations from other notifications on your mobile device. This distinct sound emulates what you would normally hear on your Reamaze Embeds.

Download the updates now by clicking below.

