How to Streamline SaaS Client Onboarding with Re:amaze + Process Street

September 26, 2019

Customer success is one of the most important parts of any SaaS business model, and the onboarding process is where that success starts. In fact, the onboarding process can often mean the difference between early churn and a recurring long-term customer. So how do you make sure your onboarding process is as tight and well-optimized as … Continue reading “How to Streamline SaaS Client Onboarding with Re:amaze + Process Street”

Introducing Re:amaze Intents

September 12, 2019

After more than two weeks of public beta testing, we’re super excited to be announcing Re:amaze Intents! Intents is an important feature for the future of Re:amaze. In a world of automation and chatbots, we believe Re:amaze Intents will become a cornerstone of how support teams can take advantage of customer messages and train an automation … Continue reading “Introducing Re:amaze Intents”

See Conversions and Revenue Statistics From Your Chat Conversations

September 10, 2019

Another Shopify update! When a customer places an order, Re:amaze will now automatically look for the most recent conversation that the customer has had with the staff. These conversations require at least one staff reply. Attributed orders places will create a unique conversation event indicating when the customer placed an order, how much the order was for, … Continue reading “See Conversions and Revenue Statistics From Your Chat Conversations”

Add Subject Lines to Re:amaze Response Templates

You can now add a subject line to your Re:amaze Response Templates! Subject lines are automatically omitted when you’re using templates within a conversation reply. However, if you create a new message from the Re:amaze inbox dashboard and use a response template, the subject line will be automatically included as the subject field! Enjoy!

Re:amaze Now Supports Personal Shifts and Vacation Days

August 28, 2019

Managing a team of customer service agents can be a complicated task for managers. When you have customer service agents across different time zones or countries the task becomes even more complex. The easiest way to manage personnel with overlapping roles and time zones has been to assign working shifts for each individual so you have adequate … Continue reading “Re:amaze Now Supports Personal Shifts and Vacation Days”

Instagram and Re:amaze Integration Now Supports Post and Comment Mentions

August 13, 2019

If you have Instagram connected to Re:amaze, you’ll now automatically receive imports whenever your Instagram account is mentioned by another account. These mentions are created as new conversations and you can reply to them directly from Re:amaze! Instagram Mentions come in two flavors: Whenever an account mentions you directly in the post Whenever an account … Continue reading “Instagram and Re:amaze Integration Now Supports Post and Comment Mentions”

Connect Gmail and G Suite to Re:amaze with OAuth

August 6, 2019

Setting up custom SMTP for Gmail and G Suite is now easier than ever! We’ve just released an updated integration for Google’s Gmail using an official OAuth (Open Authentication) connector, which will allow you to set up custom SMTP with a few simple clicks. If your business experiences high volumes of support emails, we highly recommend using Custom SMTP to maintain … Continue reading “Connect Gmail and G Suite to Re:amaze with OAuth”

Top Level Facebook Post Comments Now Thread Individually as Re:amaze Conversations

July 31, 2019

Managing customer comments in a particular Facebook can be quite chaotic especially if it’s a post that’s generating a lot of buzz. If you’re used to managing and responding to comments like in Facebook where every comment and sub-comment exist as a single thread, you’ll likely feel right at home with Re:amaze’s default import method where … Continue reading “Top Level Facebook Post Comments Now Thread Individually as Re:amaze Conversations”

Re:amaze and RingCentral Integration Makes Customer Support Better for Businesses

July 25, 2019

RingCentral is a premium solution for businesses looking for an all-in-one cloud phone, video conferencing, team messaging, and contact center platform. Designed for small to medium sized businesses as well as enterprise businesses, RingCentral has been the go-to solution for more than a decade. With a wide variety of different products, great customer support, and competitive … Continue reading “Re:amaze and RingCentral Integration Makes Customer Support Better for Businesses”

Re:amaze Integrates with Justcall for Seamless VOIP Call Center Management

JustCall is a cloud-based phone system for support teams and offers your team an unparalleled, anytime, anywhere, any device phone system for your sales and support teams. Get a number in 58 countries around the world in just seconds and start making or receiving calls. You can now also integrate JustCall with Re:amaze and enable the ability … Continue reading “Re:amaze Integrates with Justcall for Seamless VOIP Call Center Management”

Re:amaze Customer Data Now Shown on Right Navigation Menu

July 23, 2019

Based on your recent feedback, we’ve officially moved the customer data attributes module to the right side of the navigation menu. This UI change allows you and your team to see the customer’s conversation thread with minimal interruption. Now, your customer service team can scroll through the conversation independently from the right navigation menu and browse … Continue reading “Re:amaze Customer Data Now Shown on Right Navigation Menu”

Create and Save Your Personal Response Templates in Re:amaze

July 22, 2019

You can now create personal response templates in Re:amaze! Go beyond sharing company-wide response templates and truly personalize the experience you can deliver to customers! Personal response templates are perfect for saving the replies you most commonly use. And rather than filtering through response templates that anybody can access, you can restrict access to your own … Continue reading “Create and Save Your Personal Response Templates in Re:amaze”

Re:amaze Automation Workflows and Macros Now Apply to All Brands

Re:amaze Workflow Automation is an important part of boosting efficiency within your support operations. Over 88% of Re:amaze users have at least 1 workflow running and over 60% of Re:amaze users have at least 5 workflows handling a wide variety of tasks such as automatically tagging conversations, automatically assigning conversations to an agent or department, … Continue reading “Re:amaze Automation Workflows and Macros Now Apply to All Brands”

Re:amaze Staff Reports Now Gives You Staffs’ Action Insights

July 15, 2019

You can now obtain a quick at-a-glance report on the manual actions your staff members are taking on conversations such as manual conversation resolutions, manually archived conversations, conversations that have been manually reassigned, conversations that have been manually moved to another channel, and also how many reminders have been set in a particular brand, channel, … Continue reading “Re:amaze Staff Reports Now Gives You Staffs’ Action Insights”

New Departmental Filter for Your Re:amaze Dashboard

July 10, 2019

You’ve been able to assign conversations or groups of conversations to entire departments for a while now. If you need a quick refresher, read this article. You can now find a dedicated department filter to find all conversations currently assigned to a department. By default, departments can contain multiple staff agents, and by making conversations … Continue reading “New Departmental Filter for Your Re:amaze Dashboard”

New WYSIWYG Editor for Re:amaze! Reply to Customers Using Intuitive HTML.

July 8, 2019

You can now compose your Re:amaze replies in glorious HTML using our new WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) editor. Our team is still working on adding more capabilities to the editor such as being able to embed images and supporting more nuanced editing tools such as strikethroughs. The new WYSIWYG HTML editor … Continue reading “New WYSIWYG Editor for Re:amaze! Reply to Customers Using Intuitive HTML.”