What You Might’ve Missed #12

Last Updated on October 11, 2017 by David

New Workflow Commands

We’ve added a command into Workflows so you can automatically forward a conversation to a 3rd party!

We’ve also added another command to Workflows so you can remove an existing tag from a conversation. Caveat: you’ll need to know which tag to remove beforehand.

New Autoresponder Features

We now allow you to override the Reply Name setting for Autoresponders by providing a free form name for the Reply From name. You can now set the from name to anything you want.

Conversation Events Updates


Autoresponder messages sent to a customer now triggers a conversation event that is directly visible within the conversation.

Spam Complaints

Customers might sometimes mark your reply as spam whether intentional or accidentally. Spam complaints are now logged as events on the specific conversation.

New Reply as Brand for Channels

We now allow you to “Reply as Brand” in addition to “Reply as Channel” and “Reply as Staff” in the Reply Name settings. This gives you even more flexibility for regular responses.

API Update

API endpoint for updating conversation status is now available at Reamaze Developer Documentation.