Wholesale Dropshipping Businesses: Here Are the Top Tips for Writing the Best About Us Page

Last Updated on September 1, 2023 by David

Guest Post by Beatrix Potter

The About US page is the most viewed page of almost every website, and the same goes for your wholesale dropshipping business website. Customers that are looking for a certain product or finding out if they want to do business with you want to know more about you to see if they can trust your business. That’s why you have to put a lot of time and effort into making a great About Us page.

Once you’ve finished designing your dropshipping website and followed all the top tips, it’s time to find out how to write the best About Us page for your dropshipping business.

Know What Your Goal Is

You need to understand what the purpose of the page is before you start writing it. Put yourself in the mindset of your website visitors to know why they would be clicking on the About Us page. You definitely don’t want to write it quickly or make it hard to find, because this is a great opportunity to write an optimized content page and boost your business.

Depending on your business, you can take some different approaches to writing this page, but the main idea is to tell the viewer about your business’ story and how it was created, explain your customer base and why people should choose your business, and describe your products and why they are the best. Finally, you can also take this opportunity to talk about your team.

Use Storytelling

It’s important to remember that the About Us page should be a story. This is the story of your business and why it exists. The start of the story is the problem that existed, the middle of the story is how your business addresses the problem, and the end of the story is the result and the next steps. Write this story in a captivating way by being as open and honest as possible.

If you find the actual writing and editing of the story difficult, don’t worry. It’s normal to struggle with this step; luckily, in this Internet age there are a lot of tools out there that can help you.

Think of the Target Audience

We all know you need to put your customer first in everything. Your About Us page should be written in a way that speaks directly to your target audience. The more you can tailor your post to those specific people, the more impact your page will have. Think about the gender, age, language, location, tone, and cultural references of the people you’re trying to sell to, and it’ll help you frame your content.

Humanize Yourself

According to Sandra Fell, a writer at AustralianHelp, “your page should be written in a way that makes you seem human and approachable. Customers want to feel like they’re doing business with other human beings, not a faceless corporation.”

Have a Template

To start, get a template or create your own that you can follow as you prepare your About Us page. It’s a lot easier at that point to fill in the blanks and make sure you’re putting in all the information that people are looking for. Use the storyline aspect mentioned in point 2, which starts with the issue, how your company is solving it, and the future goals for the business.

Use Social Proof

You can add social proof in a section of your About Us page or include some throughout the page. When you provide feedback from past customers, you’re showing that your business is successful, trustworthy, and authentic. This makes it much more likely that a prospective customer will be interested in doing business with you.

A lot of businesses don’t take their About Us page seriously and see it as just another thing they need to do. Instead, consider it a great opportunity to optimize content and boost your sales, and invest the time into doing it right.

About Re:amaze

Re:amaze is a modern helpdesk and customer messaging platform designed to help eCommerce businesses boost customer happiness and revenue. Re:amaze allows all customer-oriented teams to work together in a shared inbox through email, social, SMS, voice, and live chat. Re:amaze also comes packaged with automated messaging and chatbots so eCommerce brands can succeed at the front lines of conversational commerce.

About Beatrix

Beatrix Potter is a technology writer at BigAssignments and Coursework Writing Services. Bea produces visual and verbal content for frontend developers and other tech-related industries. She also is an HR representative online at the website College Assignments portal.